Tuesday, July 10, 2012


   Some may consider this as a sign of evil. For others, it may be a symbol for poison and for most, it signifies death.

    But for me, I look at this differently. Skull for me signifies life, in relation with death and its value. And for what reason? That is simply through death will we realize the value of life.

   Like for instance, a sudden lose of someone. For most, that will be the only time that they'll realize how important that person was. How that person shared a big role in the neighborhood, or in the society. And what kind of person he/she was when he/she was still alive.

  Not only through other's death will we learn the importance of life. But as well as with our own experiences.

   Life may be hard at times, however, we must still know its significance. Simply because as long as we're still alive, we can still do things that we want, correct or at least, make the right decisions and explore more about it.

   Value life and just make the most of it everyday.

   After all, we can't do any of that if we're already cold and hard, right? ;)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to: Love yourself in 5 ways.

   Sometimes, even if our family is always around, we still expect to receive love from other people. Love from friends, colleagues and from that special someone. Unfortunately, not at all times, we are getting the love we want and often, we feel frustrated about that. We ask questions like "Is there something wrong with me?", or "Why does it seem like nobody loves me?". When in fact, we already knew the answer. 

 We pity ourselves and worst, we almost curse ourselves for lacking a lot of things which is not good. It only shows that we can't accept what we have and what we don't. Simply, because we don't trust nor love our own self.

  With that fact, we must now know why we feel unloved. Self respect is a must before we gain respect from other. Self love is a must before we gain love from others. And that also goes with trusting ourselves before we gain trust from others. So how do we do that? Well, it was never that hard because it's too easy like counting one, two, three..

  Just like what the cliche says, "because looking good is feeling good". That doesn't necessarily means covering yourself with makeup. A simple hair band or pony to keep your hair from covering your face will do. Be sure to have a clean face, and if you have an oily skin, apply powder Also, be particular with your hygiene.   

  Did you know that having a fake smile can actually make you feel good? Take a lot of air, and slowly exhale it out then smile. Look at yourself. You are created in God's image and likeness, so what's the reason for frowning?

 Now try, to give a smile to someone you knew, or even a stranger. Practice smiling everyday. You'll never know who would fall for that lovely smile.

  It doesn't matter what you're religion is. Just take a little while to be alone, and thank that someone for giving you another day to live. Another chance to correct what has been done wrong. And another reason to search for things that will help you develop as an individual. 

  You may have not reached 5'. You may not have a white complexion. You may be born with curly hair. So what? This is not the basis of beauty. If you think you have a lot of flaws, forgive yourself and forget. Instead, search for your strengths and use it. 

 Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, that's why everyone is unique. Stop acting as if you have never been blessed. Find the inner strength n you and show the world how great you are.

 Improving self-esteem may take a lot of time. However, if you really want to, you could do it simply. Stand and sit with class. Walk with your chin up. And forget about your shoulders. Never slouch. And always carry yourself with pride.

 You are a gift, therefore, think of yourself a a blessed one. Forget those who are bringing you down and stay positive with life. ;)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

  Tired of the same old boring look of yours? Not having enough money to spend for your vanity? Why not try this? :)

I was pretty bored with my look and I wanted to have a change so bad. 
So I decided to have my hair done by coloring it
with a lighter shade.

Mine's light brown and fortunately, it turned out 
really good. It made me look whiter and I
love it!

Plus, it didn't cost much. It comes with a treatment too!

Credits to Yanila Salon.


Hey Ladies!

  The first thing that I would like to share with you is my daily beauty ritual. Actually, I can but just won't go out of the house without doing it. Why? It's because I want to look at my best ALWAYS.  And ladies, to tell you, there is nothing wrong with that. So why not try it? Plus, the steps are as easy as counting 1, 2 and 3. 

1. Apply moisturizer.
Moisturizers does not only serve as a protection and hydration for your skin but it also ensures a long lasting application of make up.
TIP: Let moisturizer set for a minute before doing the next step.

2. Dab concealer under your eyes using your middle finger. 
TIP: Dab/ tap it. Never rub it.
You can also apply concealer on other uneven spots of your face.

3. Apply foundation on your face using a sponge or brush. Just make sure that all areas are even.
TIP: Don't forget to apply on your neck.

4. Apply loose powder for a more flawless look.

5. Apply bronzer. Put your brush on your bronzer and tapping off any excess and smile. (I know this is somewhat old fashioned but for me, it still works the best. ) This is to figure out where the apple of your cheek is. Brush it from your cheek bone going under it and on to your hairline.
TIP: If you feel like you've applied too much, use loose powder to lighten it up.
EXTRA TIP: You can apply other shade if you want. Feel free to experiment. 

6. Apply lip balm on your lips. (I do this to moisturize my lips first.)
TIP: You can leave your lips with a balm only or you can also use lipstick or lip gloss after.

7. Curl your lashes and apply mascara. 

8. APPLY SMILE. Never ever forget wearing this and let the while world know how beautiful you are.  

  It doesn't matter if you're using an expensive or a cheap make up or moisturizer as long as it is of quality. There are those stuffs that are not high in price but also serves really well in making you more beautiful. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


   Hello everyone! 

   Thank you for stepping on to my blogsite. So, this site is dedicated to all the girls, ladies and women out there, (and even to all the ladies at heart out there) who are planning to make a small or big change within themselves.

   Whether it's all about make-ups, clothing, beauty rituals, pampering sessions, shopping, music, coffee and etc, you can find it here. Some may say this is vain but for me, I'll say it's all about loving yourSelf which is highly needed. 

   So ladies, sit back, relax and enjoy my blogs! :)

  -- iamcarolfierce